Category Archives: Uncategorized

To Dance Is To Be Out of Yourself

I apologize for being away from the blog for a bit, Dear Reader. It has been a busy month. I have read quite a bit since I blogged last–mostly adult fiction with a smattering of adult nonfiction (memoir) thrown in for good measure. 

I read very little YA. A diet of all one thing doesn’t make for a healthy life. So I mixed up my reading this month.

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I’ve Got the Power

10 days ago, I was in Lititz, PA. It is a cute little town with an AMAZING independent bookstore, Aaron’s Books. Aaron’s Books is a small store, but it is beautifully curated. I found myself needing to practice restraint, or I would have blown all my vacation money in one spot. I left Aaron’s with the newest Nicola Yoon–signed edition–the newest Julie Murphy–also a signed edition–three Selena Montgomery paperbacks, and the newest A.S. King–also signed. In fact Aaron’s is Amy King’s local bookstore, so they had every single one of her books signed. 

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I Am not Your Perfect Coming-of-Age Book

I started reading I Am not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sanchez three times. The first time, I think I read about page 45. The second time I stopped at page 173. This time I finished the book.

I don’t know why I stopped and started so many times. However, I know that if I put a book down, I usually will try to pick it back up because sometimes I’m just not in the right place for a book. I recently restarted Force of Nature by Jane Harper after stopping at page 25. I just wasn’t in the right place the first time I picked it up. It happens. The second time I picked it up, I plowed right through, loving every minute of it.

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Stealing Power

“With a smart and stealthy heroine who should appeal to Gallagher Girls fans, Carter’s story is fast-paced and popcorn-ready” (Publishers Weekly).

In my last post, I explored the problematic relationships found in Pretty in Pink and The Anatomy of a Misfit. I was (and still am) concerned about the images we present to our girls about being female. I’m still bothered that Andie and Anika did speak up and yet they were silenced. But not all portrayals of female characters in YA are still stuck pre-second wave Feminist Movement

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Greetings, Gentle Readers (If any of you are still out there)!

It has been quite a long time since I’ve blogged. It’s been quite a log time since I’ve even looked at this blog. This isn’t to say I haven’t wanted to blog. It’s not to say that I haven’t thought about blogging. And it’s not to say that I haven’t had anything to say.

I have wanted to blog. I have thought about blogging. And I’ve had things to say. 

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