Category Archives: Uncategorized

First World Problems

My husband had been complaining about our mattress for about two years before I finally acquiesced to doing something about it. See I feel the same way about mattress shopping as I do car shopping. I know I’m going to be bombarded by salespeople who aren’t going to listen to me. I’m going to test drive something, but I won’t be driving it the way I drive normally (and there will be someone staring at me and asking me questions while I do it). We’re going to end up “crunching numbers” as an incentive for us to buy. And as an added bonus, there’s no real way to do any price comparison going from mattress store to mattress store. Essentially, mattress shopping is an introvert’s nightmare.So I put it off until we were at the chiropractor’s so much we were inviting them out to dinner like old friends.

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This week my school is mired in state tests. It’s a tough week for teachers and students. So for obvious reasons I needed to share the following exchange:

I was signing out my test materials this morning when a colleague/friend/parent said to me, “You’re the reason my eighth grader goes to bed with a book every night.”

And as I carted my test supplies back to my room, I realizes that it just doesn’t matter what the tests show since the tests don’t measure a love of reading or a desire to be a lifelong reader. If my students have (re)discovered a love of reading than not only am I an effective teacher, but they are advanced-proficient in my book.

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A Five Star Rating

5 stars of 5 stars

100% approval rating

2 thumbs up

Reviews. In the plugged in, wired world we live in, a person could review anything or anyone. And people do. As a member of Goodreads, as an online consumer, as a teacher, I find myself living via reviews. As a teacher, especially,  I’ve discovered the power of the positive review.

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