Tag Archives: LGBTQ+

Prom and Everything After

“When the world isn’t selling what you’re looking to buy, you just have to take it upon yourself to cut your own pattern” (Murphy 305). 

So much YA is coming-of-age stories, and Pumpkin by Julie Murphy is no exception to that rule. Since adolescence is a time of identity formation it’s really no big surprise that YA novels focus on protagonists accepting or rejecting identities–either identities they’ve formed or those thrust upon them by the world–and finding their place in their world. 

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Aced It!

“I’ve felt alone a lot in this world., filled with people and faces that don’t look like me” (Abike-Iyimide 406). 

“Dreaming is dangerous. But I allow myself to this time. I think we deserve a happy ending” (Abike-Iyimide 408). 

“To me, [Henrietta Lacks] and all the other spirits broken by this world and its systems are the reason I get up and do this every day” (Abike-Iyimide 414).

Scrolling through Twitter one morning two weeks ago, I saw a tweet celebrating Ace of Spades book birthday. 

Posted in Mystery/Thriller | Tagged as: , , , , , , ,
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