Tag Archives: Reading Life

Heart Full of Story

My alarm cheerfully–maybe too cheerfully–signaled the start of a new day, and I slapped the snooze. Grabbing my phone, I began the daily scroll through news and notifications. Nothing like getting the blood pressure spiked before getting out of bed. Only today, what caused my alarm was not the latest shenanigans in DC or the recent COVID numbers, it was that my phone was at 10%.

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Slice of (Reading) Life

Nothing is better than Christmas break. The days are full of a lot of time reading in jammies on the couch. Tuesday, December 29 was one of those days. I snuggled up on the couch, the sun streamed through the bow window, there was a wool throw over my lap, and the dog was cuddled up against my side. Christmas carols played through the speakers. And most importantly, I was reading a book that had thoroughly absorbed my imagination: The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett.

The day promised to be great.

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Building Reading Life

I started this blog post on May 27 with full intent to write my feelings about a reread of Little House on the Prairie, but then I got sidetracked and away from my writing, and I didn’t finish it.

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